The total solar eclipse was Monday; missed it.
My life, these days, is full up. Life happens. You miss out on stuff.
As many are aware, especially photographers, the last big eclipse in America was in 2017, and funnily enough it, too, was called “The Great American Eclipse.” If you got the chance to see this recent eclipse in person, then my hat’s off to you, friend. You were blessed. And, if this total solar eclipse was half the experience of the last one, then I’m sure it was worth all the bother to get there. It was worth the given proverbial eye tooth. If you were there, then you experienced something real, something rare, something extremely special. Four-plus minutes of pure bliss. I hope it moved your soul.
Okay, admittedly, I was able to catch a filtered-up glimpse of the partial eclipse, albeit from the outskirts here in California —lodged in the 36-percent zone, mind you— and, hey, I’m a photographer, so I did get a few shots.

My daughter, who actually went to this event, even sent me this snap of the real deal from Texas.

It seems a lifetime ago, but I did manage to get to the last 2017 eclipse. It was spectacular. It was spiritual.
So, if you’re like me and you missed this noteworthy occasion, and now you’re thinking to yourself, “Self, when is the next Great American Eclipse?” Well to thanks to your favorite search engine , one can quickly find out. Good news is that it’s only in mere eight years from now, and it won’t last 4 minutes, but rather a big whooping twenty-four minutes. And, it will occur on March 30th, 2033. Here’s the bad news, though. It will take place way, way up in Northern Alaska, up past the Artic Circle. Weather might be an issue, though.
So, now I’m thinking I’d like to see a total solar eclipse in more temperate latitudes, perhaps in Northern Spain on August 12, 2026, two years from now. Thanks again, search engines. This should give my ample time to plan.
My life is full up these days, as it happens. You miss out on stuff.
I’ll keep you posted….